2023-2024 events
January 24, 2024………………………………………………………BBUS is Back Town Hall
February 7, 2024……………………………………………………………..…………Recruiting 101
February 19, 2024…………………………………….……Executive Summary Workshop
February 21, 2024………………………………………………….BHM Black Business Expo
March 14, 2024…………………………………………………Personal Branding with NSBE
March 15, 2024…………….……………Diversity Case Competition with Eli Lilly
March 15, 2024…………………………………………………Annual Corporate Dinner
Fall 2023
August 27, 2023…………………………………………………………………. Black Orientation
September 6, 2023……………………………………………………Welcome Back BBUS! + Interview Best Practices with Davita
September 12, 2023……………………………………………... Lily Day: Bridging the Gap Between Medicine and Business with BUMA
September 12, 2023……………………………………… Speaker Event with Aaron Samuels
September 13, 2023 ……………………………………………………….. BBUS Internship Panel
September 15, 2023……………………………………………………………..……Coffee Chats with our Corporate Sponsors
September 15, 2023 …………………….. Annual Diversity Career Fair (DivCo)
November 15, 2023…………………………………………………………….BBUS Thanksgiving Card Writing
December 2, 2022 ………………………………………….… End of the Semester Event
Annual Events
diversity conference events &
career fair
Each fall, the Black Business Undergraduate Society invites our sponsors to campus for an interactive networking session where students are exposed to company cultures and opportunities. The goal of the Diversity Conference (DivCo) Career Fair is to provide the minority community with an intimate setting where they can showcase their skills and abilities while discovering their career path.
diversity case competition
In an effort to deliver real-world experience to our members, BBUS hosts a Diversity Case Competition. This annual competition immerses students into strategic learning that will enhance business acumen and enable action- based learning. In addition to receiving coaching on public speaking and strategic planning, teams present their findings to corporate diversity recruiters, faculty, and select audience members.
corporate dinner
In an effort to thank our corporate sponsors for their dedication to BBUS and provide our members with more opportunity to network, BBUS hosts an annual formal dinner in Ann Arbor. At the Corporate Dinner, our top sponsors have the chance to connect with our members in an intimate dining setting. Prior to this event, BBUS organizes a professionally-guided etiquette event to adequately prepare our members for dining in a formal setting.
corporate presentations
Throughout the semester, BBUS hosts several events with our sponsors. Presentations range from personal branding to developing technical skills, in order to give our members an advantage in professional settings. There is also an opportunity for a company to host social events to engage and network with our members on a more personal level, and provide insight into the company culture. Corporate presentations are a great way to educate minority talent on the various opportunities at a particular firm.
Our 2024 Sponsor Events
September 27, 2023…………………………………………Bank of America Finance Panel Discussion
February 15, 2024………………………………………………………………………..United Airlines Trivia Night!
2023 Diversity Case Competition Photo gallery
This year's Diversity Case Competition was created by our Diversity Champion McKinsey & Company. The case asked students to develop a multi-pronged, long-term strategy for an company looking to address the issues surrounding “brain-drain” and a failing Michigan infrastructure and economy over the next 10 years, with a specific focus on addressing consumer anxiety and range sustainability. Ross Professors helped judge the case competition, including Cheri Alexander, David Wooten, and Dennis Oswald.
Thank you to all of our sponsors for helping us put on an amazing case competition, and congratulations to our winners!
1st Place - Ross Raiders: Kendall Martin, Justin Fleurimont, Chris Owens & Michael Adeyemi
2nd Place - Skalz: Lindsey Azu, Ayodele Ojo, Karyn King, Abtisamh Hassan, Shan Shan Chen
3rd Place - The Cutting Edge: Viveca Henry, Charles Lewis, Carter Dvorak